Convert your list of leftover games to markdown ready Steam links!

To get a list of your Humble Bundle games, install my Chrome extension or Firefox add-on.

    Alternative method.

  1. Save this as a bookmark! Equivalent to extension version 0.725 (this is a bookmarklet, a piece of javascript code that is ran in the url)
  2. Go to HumbleBundle's Key's page. Login if you haven't already.
  3. Select your search options on HumbleBundle's Keys page, such as:
  4. Now open the bookmark you saved in step 1.
  5. A red button "list to clipboard" should now be displayed, click the button to copy the list to your clipboard.

Put your game list below. Each game should be on a new line.

The List!

These games found a perfect or near perfect match!

These games found multiple perfect or near perfect matches!

These games didn't find any matches :(